I’ve discovered that scraping a boat down is a very slow thing to do.

It’s almost been a month since I posted a video about where I was up to with scraping and sanding down Lucy, and not a particularly ordinary month at that!
We’re in a new national lockdown complete with further school closures which has led to me – as the only one in the house not currently working -taking on all of my niece and nephews home schooling.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that home schooling a 4 & 7 year old isn’t a small undertaking and between that, a running challenge (that we had to postpone after 56 miles) and generally trying to make sure everyone’s as happy as possible, I’ve had limited time to skulk out to the garage and tinker.

The advice of Papa Tom (my dad) was to only patch the paint on the bottom of the boat, but I can’t deal with patches and I really didn’t want to spend months sat in Lucy wishing that I had just scraped the whole lot down.
It’s also looking increasingly likely that I won’t be able to leave in May, as the new strain of Covid-19 is beginning to show evidence of a higher mortality rate, as well as a higher contagiousness – I’m still confident that I can get away this year, just maybe not as soon as I planned to.
But in among all of this madness, I can still picture myself bobbing along the Cornish coast with a decent crust of salt on my skin and a terrible hat (that I’m yet to purchase) and that’s enough for now.