The Improbable Blog

No.35: Sandwich

I had a complaint this week from one of my readers (if it wasn’t you, it was probably the other one) that things were getting a bit boring in my journal since Twatt – they even threatened to unsubscribe!!

So, in the interest of maintaining a healthy, upper-single figures readership I really pushed the boat out this week.


On Saturday night, I took to the kitchen to make bread – it had worked out so well last week that I thought I would try the same again. Sadly it wasn’t as successful this week, but there was enough good stuff to make myself some lunch for Saturday (Stay with me…)

Sunday morning came around and I was undecided on where to go, so I packed up my lunch and headed for Kings Cross to see which destinations took my fancy. The budget isn’t too allowing this month, so I opted for Kent – I’d heard good things about Folkestone and I booked myself a ticket before heading to the platform (it’s advised that you do).

As soon as I found out the final stop of the train however, I scrambled to change my ticket – because sometimes life just serves up gold – and there was only one place that I was going that day to enjoy my lunch…


Sandwich is actually one of the most lovely towns that I’ve visited this year – not too crowded and well within walking distance of the sea – although after coming up with the best town name ever, they may have run out of inspiration…


I met a number of local Sandwichians, all very friendly – particularly Marie-Claire who discovered me lost in a residential area, walked me down to the River Stour and pointed me in the direction of the sea so that I could have a swim.


The walk is about 40 minutes and takes you through some lovely, overgrown pathways before spitting you out onto a golf course that leads directly…


I took a quick dip with an otter that appeared in the shallows (yes, really!) and headed back to town for todays main event.

She was a crushed avocado, poached chicken, lemon and chilli filling, stuffed into freshly baked Samoon, with toasted sesame seeds and a side of lemon infused water – she had been calling to me all day and as I took the first tearing bite, I could have wept with joy at the realisation that I can now forever say that I have eaten a Sandwich in…


It was delicious and nutritious as well!

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  1. Dan Q September 5, 2018

    Fabulous as always. I love the no-nonsense Sandwich signage, like “to the sea” (well duh; I can see it!) etc.

  2. Claudia September 6, 2018

    I love to read your stories…so fun!
    Is this pic Chesil beach?

  3. Elizabeth Varley September 11, 2018

    I am seriously jealous of your otter. I want to go swimming with an otter. I think I once saw one in the distance in the Sound of Iona but you have had a more enviable experience by far. The sandwich sounds pretty tasty too.

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